Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Is Succcess?

Last Monday, December 27th, a good portion of my family gathered to pay tribute to Jack Morrison, my Grandpa. Very meaningfully, his two daughters asked if I would read a piece of poetry that they found to encapsulate him well. Nothing ever seems complete, but this poem kept evolving as I read it out loud again and again until I was in a very comfortable place. I could see how under the surface it related to his life story. The poem is "What Is Success?" and is written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. (check it out here)

There are countless connections. The way he would chuckle. The way he lived "here" representing Cleveland, Ohio. The way he was betrayed by one of his closest friends. The way he left this world. The list is endless. If you knew him, it would really mean something if you shared your own reasons why you feel this poem embodies his spirit... in the form of comments below.

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